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BIU Tributes

Jomon Tribute

Around 35,000 B.C. African-Chinese entered Japan, they were known as "Jomon", "AO" and many other names. They were the first Humans to inhabit Japan. Science contends that their Genes are possessed by 40% of modern Japanese.

Research conducted by BIU-LDF, Inc shows that Jomon were also among DNA contributers to North American, Central American and South American Black Aboriginal Populations that has never been formally acknowledged by the U.S. Federal Government, despite 1866 Indian Treaty mandates and stipulations (particular to Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole Nations) escribed as rights exclusive to African Ancestored Tribal Peoples referred informally as "Freedmen."

Black Aboriginals on traditional and autonomous settlements within the geographical domain of "Indian Country" were forcefully removed by "Indian Removal Policy" in the 1830s to Oklahoma Indian Territory to clear the way for Westward Expansion and Caucasian-American settlement.

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